The Common category includes the following blocks: Paragraph, image, headings, list, gallery, quote, audio, cover, video. The paragraph block is the default block type. It should not ha...
Continue ReadingThis post tests various embed blocks: The Common category includes the following blocks: Paragraph, image, headings, list, gallery, quote, audio, cover, video. The paragraph block is the default b...
Continue ReadingThe shortcode widget: The Archive Widget: The same Archive widget but as a dropdown: The Category widget block has an additional option for showing category hierarchies: The L...
Continue ReadingThe Layout Elements category includes the following blocks: Group, Button, Columns, Media & Text, separator, spacer, read more, and page break. This group block has ...
Continue ReadingThe formatting category includes the following blocks: The code block starts with <!-- wp:code --> <?php echo 'Hello World'; ?> The classic block can have almost anything in it. a ...
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